Sunday, January 26, 2020

Factors Affecting Air Transport Industry Communication

Factors Affecting Air Transport Industry Communication Air Transport Industry Communication There are many factors which affect communication within individual air transport companies and other organisations they interface to in the course of normal business operations. In many cases, the only common contact point for the great numbers of staff working within the industry is the airport which they work in. Even this contact opportunity is not true of many mobile staff such as cabin crew who operate in a transient mode across many airports in the course of normal business. Organisation Air travel is accomplished by a wide diversity of organisations; include air traffic controllers, baggage handlers, security staff, aircrew, customs, catering, fuel provision, engineering, freight handling, ticketing, public announcements, and a host of other functions which are required to operate the businesses. This factor in itself makes organisational communication extremely difficult. Compounded to this is the ever-growing move towards airports becoming places hosting retail outlets with their own set of requirements in terms of types of staff, operational activity and objectives. Cultural Workers in the air travel industry come from a wide variety of educational and ethnic backgrounds, which is made more complex by the skills and level of responsibilities held by individuals. For example, an airline pilot or air traffic controller has had significantly more training and responsibility for adherence to operating instructions than a person in the catering supply business. Such wide levels of education and cultural background are factors which make common communication methods relatively inefficient. 24 Hour Operation With so many organisations and types of staff involved, communication is further complicated by working hour’s patterns. Flight crew are transient visitors through airports and while they spend many hours together in the course of their duties, their opportunities to interact with ground staff of all kinds are very limited. Support service personnel, such as engineering, baggage handling and other staff who perform vital functions in the smooth operation of air travel vital have virtually no contact with flight crew. Mobility Many airport workers are required to be mobile, not simply flight cabin staff. Ground crew, coach transport, runway and taxi-way patrol staff among others, are all mobile and rely mostly on mobile radio communication to stay in touch with those who direct their activities. This, however, does not lend itself to communication between the various groups, resulting in few opportunities to either meet with or gain understanding of the concerns and goals of other personnel. Competition Air travel companies are engaged in fierce competition for customers and revenue. This factor tends to discourage sharing of information and acts as an inhibiting factor to industry-wide communication. Fear of loss of information on future sales initiatives or financially sensitive aspects make for a climate of unwillingness to share plans and objectives, which is a natural part of competitive business but is a negative factor for the promotion of common industry-wide communication. Compensating factors Individual company newsletters and internal staff communications, either paper or electronic mail, are one of the ways in which internal communication may be improved. One suggestion for improved communication might be a wider use of organised events such as ‘away-days’ utilised by many large companies to encourage better understanding of people’s roles in organisation and promote a sense of common purpose. Removal of staff from the ever-present pressures which accompany the work environment to a different location where they are not constantly interrupted can have the benefit of making them think about the whole enterprise as opposed to being focussed on their own constricted view of the workplace. Individual parts of the air travel industry have already formed their own groups which span company boundaries and aim to share information and promote improvements in various aspects such as safety, training and other commonly shared concerns. The concept of the ‘suggestion box’ has tended to be overtaken by the idea of offering employees various types of incentives for suggested improvements in methods of working or cost saving. Passenger Communication Most passenger communication takes the form of display screens showing flight timings and details including gate numbers, possible delays, and cancellations. This is supplemented by announcements on public tannoy, but in a global community, few airports can offer the variety of language expertise to cover all passengers. Information points assist in improving passenger experience but are mainly focussed on directions to facilities such as surface transport, hotels and directions within the airport Individual airlines are poorly supplied with customer service points where specific queries or issues travellers may have with their travel. Common Purpose Unlike large corporations, there is no concept of being one organisation with common goals, values and objectives among the diverse grouping which forms the air transport industry. This makes pursuit of a common set of goals virtually impossible. Technical Communication Improved air traffic management technology, both in terms of handling flight and ground movements would be a factor which could lead to improvements in safety, collision avoidance, reduction in fuel costs and better adherence to scheduled flight times. Improvements in air to ground communication technologies would assist in reducing the effects of misunderstanding and potential error which can cause delays and confusion. Noise Especially for ground operations, noise is a problem. Staffs is normally issued with ear protectors, and rely on hand signals, assisted by electronic boards or signalling paddles to indicate their instructions to other airline staff. Improvements in head set communications devices could lead to improvements in this area. In-flight Communications Passengers in most flights have the benefit of clear and audible information supplied from the flight deck about general conditions of the flight, time of arrival and any delays encountered, although this tends to be at the discretion of the captain. This compares well with the many railway station information systems which are often limited to electronic bards and the announcements are often inaudible due to background noise. In summary there are many challenges inherent in communication both within individual companies and in the wider industry but there are a range of actions which can be adopted from other business sectors which can improve the situation. Problems and Solutions Growth The general public shows increasing desire to fly to more destinations, for both leisure and business. Globalisation of businesses increases, requiring staff fly to meetings, conferences and other events. Increased disposable income and short and long haul vacation breaks have become increasingly attractive. Countries of Eastern Europe are opening up free markets and become more integrated in the European Union, providing opportunities for more destinations.  [1] Growth prospects exist in rapidly developing countries like India and China. The last decade has seen an approximate 100% rise in air freight. Air transport has increased 500% in the last 30 years. Competition Among airlines is competition fierce, with various offers used to tempt passenger numbers. Prime routes like long-distance business travel offer the best profit margins today, but business travel is unlikely to grow at the rate of economy class. Lower landing fees at ‘out-of town’ airports reduce costs, but have a negative effect on customer perception due to distance from intended destinations Low cost versus national airlines is an example, and Easyjet which first operated a commercial flight on 10th November 1995 has since grown to become one of the leading players in this type of travel within Europe.  [2] Countries with large distances between population centres, such as Australia, predict growing demand. High population density countries, such as the UK, have underdeveloped, road/rail infrastructures, compared with European neighbours. The uptake of high-speed rail transport between major cities would negatively impact air travel. This has been suggested in the UK as a means of reducing traffic and pollution. The Magnetic Suspension (MAGLEV) very high-speed train was first proposed back in 1966.  [3] Speeds of over 500 Km per hour have been achieved on test tracks and while no rail transport currently operates at this speed, if fully developed could compete directly with short haul flights. Terrorism Threat of terrorism has led to increasing security and growing expense, together with passenger disruption. The impact of 9/11 on air travel was massive. The European Aviation Association in Brussels noted that between September 11 and November 4th there was a drop in North Atlantic traffic of 35% and European traffic by 10% for major European airlines. Recent events in the UK reported in the news media resulted in dramatic changes in security practices and passenger freedom While this effect is likely to be transient, there is always the danger that a significant event will occur again. This impact may be reduced by ramping up public relations exercises making the public more aware that flying remains the safest form of travel. Public Relations The air travel industry is very effective at marketing seats on flights. This positive factor has boosted sales and assisted growth. The industry as a whole in not successful in handling negative publicity associated with flight delays, strikes, response to terrorist threats and similar events. British Airways Authority performance in defending the chaos which followed the recent security clampdown at major UK airports was an example of inept public relations leading to loss of confidence.  [4] The industry could benefit from improved self image. A good example was provided by the British Airways publicity on their web page entitled â€Å"Air transport and climate change†, aimed at countering negative publicity surrounding issues of public concern.  [5] Runways Ongoing investment in new airplanes of differing types has some manufacturers developing very large carrying hundreds of passengers, while others opt for smaller planes which can be more flexible in use. The latest Boeing jet currently has a restricted number of runways it can land and runway construction can take years to complete. Traffic Density This is evident in major hub airports, such as JFK, Chicago, Heathrow, Charles de Gaulle, Schipol etc. There are safety considerations relative to take-off and landing numbers which permitted at any one airport or flight corridor. Capacity problems will limit the ability to handle additional passenger numbers in crowded airports and may stunt growth in prime destinations of choice. This may be countered by rescheduling some regular services to alternate airports with offers of price reduction. Environment Pressure from the environmental lobby is increasing to curb emissions. Not confined to groups such as Friends of the Earth, but governments, European laws, and the increasing acceptance by the general public that global warming is a reality requiring action. This negative effect is forcing industry to develop improvements in fuel efficiency and lower emissions to comply with increasingly tougher legislation. This could be countered by investment in engine design, careful routing of flight paths and use of more modern aircraft which are quieter and more efficient in fuel consumption. Timings Restrictions are imposed on when flights may take place in many airports. Some locations handle traffic 24 hours per day, but many restrict hours of operation on grounds of noise pollution. This negatively affects overall air traffic costs. To counter this, emphasis could be placed on publicity showing that airport expansion brings increasing employment, in construction, and later in operation of the facility. T Fuel The high price of aviation fuel has impacted on costs of operation. This may have little impact on business or first class travel, but rising prices for low-cost airlines will see their profit margins squeezed and their rapid growth slowed. Links Modern airports now have express rail connections and frequent coach services. Investment in this off-airport transportation is a positive growth enabler. The negative side is that new road and rail links take time and are often under control of national or local government agencies. To counter the tendency for this to constrain expansion, the industry needs to influence and educate such decision-making bodies on the long-term benefits of such investments. Bookings The upward trend in seat bookings utilising websites helps to lower airline administrative costs and is increasingly an attractive option both for private and company business travel departments. The implication is that the industry will increasingly be dependent on information technology to process bookings on a 7 x 24 hour basis. This represents a move from labour intensive bookings and check-in activities to increased reliance on technology. This dependence carries implications for security of passenger’s personal data including credit card details. Emphasis is on the reduction of disclosure or misuse of sensitive information. Stringent requirements apply to handling, protection, storage and disclosure of such data.  [6] Legislation Many factors of a legislative nature impact air travel. Ryanair obtained discounts from in terms if low landing costs at underutilised airports, as a cost reducing measure, but in 2004 the European Commission required Ryanair to repay 4 million Euros it had obtained from Brussels Charleroi Airport. In the UK, the Department for Transport produced a white Paper on ‘The future of Air Transport’ which sets a framework for regions and possible developments. The paper also focuses on impact assessment of new building, emissions and the environment, noise, and public transport access. These factors, if implemented in a bureaucratic fashion, have the impact of restricting growth.  [7] Health and safety legislation affects travel in terms passenger comfort and working conditions of aviation staff. The Civil Aviation (Working Time) regulations, 2004 apply within the European Union and impose working time limits. Health and safety executives across many countries are taking note of such issues as transport and fuelling of planes, engineering, catering and baggage handling risks.  [8] The negative impact of these factors and may be countered by lobbying for informed professionals in the industry, providing consultation with bodies developing such directives. Volatility Mergers have become very commonplace in the air travel industry, particularly in the aftermath of 9/11, when a number of carriers suffered dramatic downturns in passenger numbers. In the 1980’s and 1990’s there were significant downturns in air travel, especially in the USA, where mergers, takeovers and bankruptcy of carriers were frequent. The air travel industry across all continents remains subject to such factors which can impact share prices. Aids to overcome this are flexible and well-managed business objectives, which can rapidly adjust to conditions.  [9] Agreements Air travel agreements have moved on from the concept of ‘flag carriers’ and restrictions on flights and landing rights. The European Community has extended air transport agreements between EC member states and a number of other countries. Involved countries, either in negotiation or compete, include New Zealand, Morocco, Singapore, United Arab Emirates, Russia, Ukraine and South Eastern European states. This will be of benefit by expanding both freight and consumer markets. An EC press release in 2006 outlined the background to these agreements citing the role of air transport in generating employment, revenues and other benefits.  [10] In summary the industry faces many challenges but growth looks positive, if managed with modern business techniques. References Aviation Week, 2006, ‘New Central European LCC’s expand rapidly’ BBC and ITV news August 2006 Department of Transport, 2003, ‘The Future of Air Transport and the Civil Aviation Bill’ European Commission Press Release 2006, IP/06/810 Heppenheimer, T.A., 1995, ‘Turbulent Skies – The History of Commercial Aviation’ ISO/IEC 17799:2000 Information technology –Code of practice for information security management Jones, L 2005, ‘easyJet’, Aurum Press Limited Taylor, A, 1992, Hi-Tech Trains UK Health and Safety Executive Special Transport Sectors Unit Footnotes [1] Aviation Week, 2006, ‘New Central European LCC’s expand rapidly’ [2] Jones L 2005, ‘easyJet’ [3] Taylor, A, 1992, Hi-Tech Trains [4] BBC and ITV news August 2006 [5] [6] ISO/IEC 17799:2000 Information technology –Code of practice for information security management [7] Department of Transport , 2003, ‘The Future of Air Transport and the Civil Aviation Bill’ [8] UK Health and Safety Executive Special Transport Sectors Unit [9] Heppenheimer, T.A., 1995, ‘Turbulent Skies – The History of Commercial Aviation’ [10] European Commission Press Release 2006, IP/06/810

Saturday, January 18, 2020

TRW Case Analysis

Case 4 –TRW SYSTEMS (A and B condensed) ThiviyaManikandan sridhar – 54, Devika Srinivas – 11, Prabhudeep Shivakumar-31 1. What kinds of organizational design choices has TRW made about the design Challenges discussed in chapter 4? Due to the complexity of products being produced and the interdependency between the parts, systems, various groups, divisions and companies who assembled the parts forced TRW to adopt the matrix structure, where it covers vertical flow of functional responsibility and horizontal flow of product responsibility. On the vertical side, TRW systems have functional organizations like mechanical division, physical research division, systems divisions, fabrication integration and testing division. On the horizontal side, it has program organization which controls program office. Under these two organizations, sub project managers and assistant project managers are appointed. These managers have to report to two bosses. All these employees and departments are under the control of presidents and vice presidents. This is indicates a flat and decentralized structure, where managers and employees are allowed to take their own decisions. The level of decentralization followed by TRW is appropriate for the fluctuating and complex aerospace industry, as creativity plays important role in research and development which is accomplished by TRW engineers. A program manager maintained all the management responsibility for pulling together the various phases of a particular customer project. Assistant program manager was appointed to coordinate the activities of program manager. Under assistant program manager, sub project managers were also appointed to control the total project activity. Sub project managers are responsible for integrating and coordinating the functional organization and program organization. He also supervises the engineers and manages financial resources procured from program office. Sub project managers are the main integrating mechanism in the structure. There is too much of pressure and authority on the sub project managers, so TRW has to take drastic steps to develop its integrating mechanisms as integration plays an important role in matrix structure. TRW lacks standard operating procedures and standardized rules and norms. This indicates a total domination of mutual adjustment. As a result of this situation, most of the engineers are facing ambiguity problems. So TRW has to bring the balance between standardization and mutual adjustment. TRW makes minimal  use of formal hierarchical reporting relationships to coordinate activities. The informal  network of social relationships developed over time is important in determining how teams perform, and informal status  relationships between scientists are important as a means of coordination. Team values and norms  derive from informal interactions between scientists and are spread as members move between teams. 2. Are the design choices TRW has made appropriate for the organization, why or why not? From the above points, we can clearly say that the matrix structure and organic design followed by TRW systems is appropriate from the contingency perspective, as it matches the uncertain environment. But the managers are not utilizing their full potential and the employees are taking advantage of this structure by coming late to the work. This indicates the need for centralization and standardization. Fluctuations in the aerospace environment need spontaneous decisions which can be achieved by matrix structure. TRW is high in task variability and low in task analyzability. It  uses intensive technology and has  reciprocal interdependence. For all these features matrix structure is the best suitable structure. A matrix would not be suitable in  a simple, stable environment for routine technology and employees with  routine tasks. Here, it  would promote coordination and motivation problems and raise bureaucratic costs. 3. What is TRWs structure and what problems does it cause for TRW? TRW followed a matrix structure. The employees were responsible for two officers. Some of the problems caused by this structure – The relationship between the project officer and the functional division officer is a complex one. Both the roles are mutually dependent and have equal power. Hence authority is undefined. This leads to a lot of confusion about the role of the managers. Many employees are not comfortable with the relationship and this caused the status and authority problems within the organization. Another problem of the structure is the subproject manager is the prime mover of the organization. He is the person who brings the program officer’s requirements and the lab’s resources together to produce a subsystem. He has to cater to the needs of project manager as well as the functional manager. He has to keep in mind the interests of both the bosses; this puts him under a lot of pressure. If he reacts too much to pressure from either side, it hurts his ability to be objective about his subproject and this will in turn affect the employees. Hence the success of the project is majorly controlled by a single person. The matrix structure did not have any formal rules. The informal procedures followed are useful for the higher level management but the employees are given too much freedom. Due to the complexity of the structure, a lot of time is required in setting up a new project teams. This contributed to an increase in the cost incurred by the organization. As the structure is changing all the time there is lack of leadership. Also there exists large gap  between authority and responsibility. The project manager had no authority over people working on his project. He had to work with the functional heads on these problems. This imbalance enabled flexibility and adaptively in the organization, but it was difficult to work with. 4) What problems might TRW have with its present structure as it grows? The present matrix structure problem is that whether this matrix structure is suitable or Not for a large organization. As organization grows, it will be difficult for TRW to maintain Its Organic approach. We know that Divisions of TRW itself refused to share its R&D Information with other division. This attitude of employees will surely lead to Misunderstanding, conflicts and confusion. As the company grows, the company has to adopt For a new technology, some of the employees may not like new technology which is Complicated to understand and work.

Friday, January 10, 2020

The Nuiances of Compare and Contrast Essay Outline Samples

The Nuiances of Compare and Contrast Essay Outline Samples To begin with, you can include as many paragraphs as possible based on the ideas which you have. You've got to organize your ideas. Bear in mind it cannot be a single subject! You can also enjoy the outline examples. The program may be used as additional essay help. Your capability to make a superb paper is dependent on structuring an ideal outline. Using our professional essay writing service, you obtain a variety of free services including totally free revisions, totally free cover page and outline, absolutely free formatting upon request, completely free editing, and totally free essay shipping. You can also enjoy the outline templates. You might also like the term essay templates. You could also understand the evaluation essay templates. The project outline template chapter outline templates essay outline template and more are offered for access at any moment and they are rather useful for first-time use along with reuse. If you don't have a precise plan and you're not organized during the evolution of the paper, you will get so confused your mind will be totally blocked. If you are going to write a comparative essay, you will need to get a notion of the impacts of distinct aspects to the result which you can get at the conclusion of the writing activity. The very first thing you ought to keep in mind is that the sources you use ought to be relevant and contemporary, not older than five decades. Every bit of writing will be created in accordance with your requirements and the criteria you provide. Even if conversing with one another, an extremely polite strategy i s followed by Japanese folks. If you're not that confident about your writing skills or are running out of time, there's a good approach that will help you submit the essay that you require. On the other hand there's not anything wrong with getting assistance from an excellent consultant on the right outline format. While proofreading takes lots of time and energy, it's an enjoyable thing to do. Compare and Contrast Essay Outline Samples - the Conspiracy In the event of a conventional five-paragraph essay, it's sufficient to include three paragraphs like in our outline. When you must compose a compare and contrast essay, first thing you ought to do is prewriting. Therefore, when you have difficulties about how to compose a contrast essay, just stick to the tips outlined above. For example, an exceptional compare and contrast essay outline example is one which utilizes descriptive words and very clear pronoun references. You are able to choose books from fiction and non-fiction categories but make sure whatever books you pick, they are from the exact same category. Your thesis is the fundamental argument your whole essay will revolve around. Right after the introduction, you will need to give the thesis statement. The thesis statement stipulates the principal point of or ideas inside your essay. Facts, Fiction and Compare and Contrast Essay Outline Samples Essentially, the body needs a balanced diet for optimal functioning. When you have the title and aspects to compare but without a definite number of criteria to cover similarities and differences, you've got to brainstorm. When you begin brainstorming and researching the subject, the odds are high you'll discover a wide collection of differences and similarities. In the end, you must show the importance of the differences. A thesis takes a vital role in the entire essay writing process as it essentially sets the mood for the entire essay. To begin with, in the same way as any other bit of academic writing, a comparative essay ought to have an objective. When it has to do with writing an essay, you have to pay attention to details. You might also understand the leadership essay. Even before you start working on your outline, and as soon as you start analyzing the prompt and brainstorming, you ought to have started thinking regarding the aspects that ought to be highlighted, or so the work would be engaging for readers. Bear in mind, exactly like in other forms of essays, thorough research is extremely relevant here, too. You should bear in mind that such an essay is about presenting your point of view and backing it by reliable sources and data. After the essay requires a large number of approaches to explore, it's important to understand how to organize it correctly in an attempt to guarantee easy reading. Here's What I Know About Compare and Contrast Essay Outline Samples Well-written samples will reveal to you the should highlight your principal points explicitly, therefore don't be indirect or vague. Besides, it is going to help you maintain your thoughts organized and well-structured. Morgan, on the flip side, is a 50-pound sweetheart who's content with whatever is happening.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Dangers of a Divided Society in Fahrenheit 451, by Ray...

‘Fahrenheit 451’, by Ray Bradbury, is a novel which invokes much thought about the way we live in society today. Through the protagonist, Guy Montag, Bradbury makes a wider point about the dangers that a divided society can present. In the novel, Bradbury creates a society in which all books and free thought are forbidden. It is clear to us that books are seen to be the source of all unhappiness and should therefore be prohibited. As a fireman, it is Montag’s job, not to put out fires, as is the case in today’s society but instead to create fires in order to dispose of all unwanted books. This creates an idea of dystopia by the government trying to please everyone by using censorship to limit people’s independence and free thinking. As the†¦show more content†¦Montag sees himself as an artist creating a thing of pure magnificence in the fire. Bradbury further stresses Montag’s opinion of fire by using a key metaphor. ‘He strode in a swarm of fireflies’ In using this metaphor, Bradbury creates the image of the fragments of past books being fireflies. Fireflies are creatures that bring light to darkness. This acts as an effective link to Montag’s view of fire as a thing of beauty. Fireflies also possess a certain aura of magic and mystery creating an almost serene beauty. To Montag, things that are alight become beautiful and so the sparks of the fire are seen as beautiful. This helps to emphasise the satisfaction Montag takes in his work. The following stages of the novel reveal an unusual feeling. At this point we are introduced to Clarisse, an innocent teenage girl with a boundless curiosity who does not follow the trend and who acts as a catalyst, speeding up Montag’s change. The world that she lives in has not ruined her and therefore she seems to possess a sense of purity. She seems to be at the opposite end of the spectrum to Montag. The world Montag lives in has transformed him into an incurious human being with no notion to question anything. His lack of independence onlyShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Ray Bradbury s Fahrenheit 4511743 Words   |  7 PagesIn Fahrenheit 451, by Ray Bradbury, the protagonist, Guy Montag, suddenly realizes his overwhelming discontent with life when he meets Clarisse McClean, a seventeen year old girl who introduces him to beauty of the world and the notion of questioning ones surroundings. This novel, having been released shortly after the Second Read Scare, a time when fear of communism lead to the baseless accusation of political figures by Senator McCarthy, was received with mixed reviews. However, today more so thanRead MoreEssay The Myopia of Dystopia3805 Words   |  16 Pagesrather one of the indescribable atrocities of war, disease, hunger etc#8230; A utopian world is a difficult, if not impossible, one to forge. Novels such as Brave New World, Fahrenheit 451, and 1984 are dystopian novels, with often-satirical undertones within their pages. This works are allegories, sardonic depictions of our societies ills. Each work contain strong hard-hitting political messages with common themes such as the fine line that divides a utopia and a dystopia and the sharp contrast in theRead MoreIntroduction : How ve He Do That?10829 Words   |  44 PagesAlonso did not have a set place to go to for his quest; it was fate that took him to the places where people needed him and his assistance the most. (c) The stated reason to go there is to save ‘Donce llas’ from monsters and other people possibly in danger. (d) Don Quixote and Sancho Panza stumble into a series of comedic mishaps due to the fact that Don Quixote wasn’t fully on his five senses within this realm if you may say, but rather imagines the ordinary world of the Spanish countryside as more